
POP Display

Point of Purchase (POP) displays in retail will give you chance to showcase your spotlight items, and also attract customers to buy the products on an impulse. To stay competitive and aid brand owners in promoting their product, a POP display is more focused on improving aesthetics. POP Displays are a powerful instrument that set your products apart from the competition.
As an experienced team, we will ensure to have your display effectively promotes your product by taking consideration of the details and objectives of the branding in the retail environment.


Retail Display (Vietnam)



Airport Duty Free Shops (Beijing & Shanghai)


    Talk to us...

    Talk to us on your project requirements, we will reply you soon!



    We are a team of designers and
    developers with vast experiences
    in Exhibition & Events industry over
    the years and also a strong
    regional presence by location our
    partners strategically in Singapore,
    China, Europe, India, Indonesia,
    Malaysia, Middle-East, Thailand,
    Vietnam, and USA.


    w: www.pentone313.com
    e: marketing@pentone313.com
    o: +65 6743 2069
    f: +65 6842 1774
    m: +65 9272 8446

    Singapore Head Office
    65A Jalan Tenteram, #05-13
    Singapore 328958

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